Showing posts with label centrelink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label centrelink. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 March 2025

澳洲CCS补贴全攻略: 悉尼家长必知的CCS攻略 - Aussie CCS: Sydney Parents' Must - know CCS Guide

托费愁煞人?莫急,此策(CCS)在手,银两稳留!Still worried about childcare fees? Don't worry, this guide will help you easily get CCS and stop paying for high fees!


1. 上myGov或Centrelink填收入、孩子岁数、幼儿园资料。

2. 扔个幼儿园注册证明上去(<10MB),写“入园确认”(Letter of enrollment + 孩子名字 + 入园日期)就行。家长发上传这个文件只是辅助,不上传也行,因为幼儿园给Centerlink发的link里都有入园确认信息。

3. 疫苗没打齐?赶紧补,不然申请卡住。




- 年入≤83,280澳元,90%费用搞定。

- 83,280到530,000澳元,补贴慢慢缩水。

- 超530,000澳元?土豪请自觉退出群聊。

- 多娃家庭有加成,收入超365,611澳元就没了。






- 催幼儿园赶紧发链接。

- 死缠Centrelink关联新园。

- 28天倒计时,眼睛别眨!


Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Overseas Assets & Aussie Pension

Overseas assets in Aussie pension game? Unravel the mystery, don't be lame!

Diving into the world of Aussie pensions with a global twist, let's unravel the mystery of how overseas assets can sway your retirement purse. Get ready to convert those foreign properties into Aussie dollars and see how they stack up against the asset test limits that took effect on September 20, 2024.

Here's the lowdown on the asset test caps for partial pension eligibility:

Single home owners: $695,500 AUD

Single non-homeowners: $947,500 AUD

Couples (homeowners): $1,045,500 AUD

Couples (non-homeowners): $1,297,500 AUD

Let's take a fun ride through some hypotheticals with your folks, who are applying as a duo and own a home down under.

Scenario 1: Your parents own a property overseas worth 1 million RMB. Let's turn those yuan into Aussie dollars at assume exchange rate of 1 AUD = 4.65 RMB:

1,000,000 ÷ 4.65 = 215,053.76 AUD

Add to that their other assets in Australia, valued at 400,000 AUD, and we get a total asset tally of:

215,053.76 + 400,000 = 615,053.76 AUD

Comparing this to the asset test limit for a couple who own a home:

Total assets (615,053.76 AUD) < Limit for couple homeowners (1,045,500 AUD)

Conclusion: Your folks might be in the money for a slice of that pension pie. But hold your horses; we need to crunch some income test numbers and consider other factors for the final tally.

Scenario 2: Now, let's ramp it up with a 3 million RMB overseas property. Converting that to Aussie dollars:

3,000,000 ÷ 4.65 = 645,161.29 AUD

With the same 400,000 AUD in other Aussie assets, the total asset sum is:

645,161.29 + 400,000 = 1,045,161.29 AUD

Pitting this against the asset test limit:

Total assets (1,045,161.29 AUD) is a hair's breadth below the limit for couple homeowners (1,045,500 AUD)

Conclusion: Your parents might still scrape by with a sliver of pension, but it's a tightrope walk. A slight bump in other assets, and they could tip over the limit, losing their pension.

Remember, the real pension payout is a dance between income tests and other factors. For the nitty-gritty, it's best to consult Centrelink for the most accurate assessment. After all, when it comes to pensions, every little bit counts!