Showing posts with label xai畅聊. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xai畅聊. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

XAI: Musk's Free AI Gem - XAI:马斯克的免费 AI 宝藏

ChatGPT Who? XAI is the New Sheriff in Town! - 未必必须ChatGPT, XAI新宠驾到

Hey there, AI enthusiasts! Have you heard about XAI? It's the new kid on the block, brought to you by none other than Elon Musk and Twitter. And guess what? It's free to use until the end of the year, with a cool $25 credit each month. Yup, you read that right, freebies galore!

Signing up is a breeze. All you need is an email. Even if you've got a Twitter account, they still want that email verification. Once you're in and verified, creating an API key is as easy as pie. Just one click and voila! But remember, save it right away because you won't be able to peek at it later.

The cool thing is, XAI plays nice with platforms that work with ChatGPT. Let's take Lobehub for a spin. First, deploy Lobehub (the link's there for you). Once it's all set up and you open it in your browser, head to settings, pick the language model, and look for Grok (not Groq, mind you). Pop in that API key you made, hit Check, and if it says Check passed, you're good to go. Close settings, choose Grok Beta in "Just chat", and start chatting away. I asked it to introduce itself and its connection to Musk and tell me some recent political events. The answers were pretty interesting.

After your chat session, jump back to the XAI page. There, on the Home page, you can see how much of your free credit you've used. It's like getting a little peek into your AI spending spree. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the XAI adventure and see what this free and powerful AI can do for you. By the way, its proxy address is:; its model name is: grok-beta.

各位 AI 爱好者们,你们知道 XAI 吗?它可是新面孔哦,是埃隆・马斯克和推特搞出来的。重点是,到年底都能免费使用,每个月还有 25 美金的额度呢。没错,就是这么多免费福利!

注册超简单,只要一个邮箱就行。就算你有推特账号,也得邮箱验证。等你注册好并验证完,创建 API 密钥简直易如反掌,点一下就搞定。不过可得记着马上保存,之后可就看不到啦。

厉害的是,XAI 和能用 ChatGPT 的平台都兼容。咱拿 Lobehub 来试试。先部署 Lobehub(有参考链接哦)。等安装好后在浏览器里打开,点设置,选语言模型,然后找到 Grok(可别弄成 Groq 啦)。把刚创建的 API 密钥输进去,点检查,要是显示检查通过,那就成啦。关掉设置,在 “Just chat” 右边选 Grok Beta,就可以开聊咯。我让它介绍下自己和马斯克的关系,再说说最近的时政大事,答案还挺有意思。

聊完后回到 XAI 页面,在主页就能看到用了多少免费额度,就像瞅瞅自己在 AI 上的 “消费” 情况。还等啥呀?赶紧开启 XAI 大冒险,看看这个免费又强大的 AI 能给咱带来啥惊喜。顺便说一下,它的代理地址是:;它的模型名字叫:grok-beta。