Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Super Simple ComfyUI on Mac: Don’t Miss Out! - 超简单!在Mac上安装ComfyUI,赶紧学起来!

Get Comfy with ComfyUI – It’s Easier Than You Think! - ComfyUI,轻松上手 – 难道还不会?


Introduction: Why Mac Silicon Users Need ComfyUI - 简介:为什么Mac Silicon用户需要ComfyUI

Mac’s M1/M2 chips are like the overachieving kids in class—great at almost everything, except when it comes to art. With no discrete graphics card, drawing with AI seems like a pipe dream. Enter ComfyUI: the underdog hero that makes AI art on Mac not just possible, but smooth as butter. Don’t let your Mac’s integrated graphics hold you back; ComfyUI is here to turn your AI art dreams into reality. Why miss out on creating masterpieces just because you’ve got a Mac? Give ComfyUI a shot, and let your creativity flow.


Preparation - 基础准备

Before diving into the world of ComfyUI on your Mac, there’s some groundwork to cover. First up is Homebrew, your Mac’s best buddy for installing just about anything with ease. If you haven’t installed it yet, hop over to Homebrew and get that sorted—it’s like giving your Mac a Swiss Army knife. Next, Python 3.10 or higher is a must, as it’s the core of ComfyUI’s operations. You can grab it from the official Python website or let Homebrew handle it with brew install python3. Once installed, a quick python3 --version in Terminal will confirm if everything’s in place.

Now, let’s talk about conda or Miniconda. This isn’t just for show—it’s a handy tool for managing your Python environments, especially if your Mac is juggling multiple Python versions. You can download Miniconda from here. If you’re running a solo Python version, or your default is already 3.10 or higher, you can skip this step. Finally, to optimize ComfyUI on your Apple Silicon Mac, you’ll need to install cmake, protobuf, and rust using “brew install cmake protobuf rust”. These tools are more than just tech jargon; cmake speeds up workflows, protobuf handles the complex data serialization that’s key to AI-driven art, and rust ensures smooth concurrent processing—think of it as supercharging your Mac’s AI art capabilities. With these in place, you’re all set to make ComfyUI sing on your Mac!

在你的Mac上运行ComfyUI之前,需要做一些基础准备。首先是Homebrew,这个工具简直是你Mac的安装神器。如果还没安装,赶紧去Homebrew页面搞定它——这就像给你的Mac配备了一把瑞士军刀。接下来,你需要Python 3.10或更高版本,它是ComfyUI运行的核心。你可以从Python官网下载安装,或者用Homebrew通过brew install python3来搞定。安装后,在Terminal中输入python3 --version检查版本信息,确保一切就绪。

然后,我们来说说conda或Miniconda。这不是摆设,它是管理Python环境的好帮手,特别适合当你的Mac上有多个Python版本需要处理时。你可以从这里下载Miniconda。 如果你的Mac只运行一个Python版本,或者默认版本已经是3.10或更高,那这一步可以跳过。最后,为了优化ComfyUI在Apple Silicon Mac上的表现,你需要通过”brew install cmake protobuf rust”安装cmake、protobuf和rust。这些工具可不仅仅是技术名词;cmake加速了工作流程,protobuf处理复杂的数据序列化,AI驱动的艺术创作全靠它,rust则确保并发处理的顺畅——想象一下,它就像给你的Mac AI艺术功能装上了涡轮增压器。有了这些准备,你的ComfyUI就能在Mac上大展身手了!

The 5-Minute Magic: Step-by-Step Installation - 5分钟魔法:傻瓜式安装步骤:

Let's start this 5-minute adventure. First up, we gotta get ComfyUI from github. It's like going on a treasure hunt. Type in "git clone". Ta-da! Now we're in business. If you're not used to the git clone command, you can also just download it as a zip file and unzip it, which will also give you the ComfyUI repository.

Next stop, the ComfyUI root folder. Open up that terminal and type "cd {path}/ComfyUI". The folder called ComfyUI is the root directory of ComfyUI.

Now comes the fun part – configuring that venv thingy. "python3 -m venv {name_you_like, eg: cfui}" and then "source cfui/bin/activate". It sounds all sci-fi and complicated, but don't worry. If you want to bail out later, just say "deactivate". Easy peasy. Configuring a virtual environment(venv) allows you to install dependencies that work only in this virtual environment, without affecting your entire laptop working environment.

Time to install those dependencies. "pip install torch torchvision torchaudio" and then "pip install -r requirements.txt". It's like building a superpowered machine. And if you're feeling extra fancy, go ahead and update pip with "pip install --upgrade pip".

But wait, there's more! We need to add the ComfyUI-Manager git repo. Head over to "{path}/ComfyUI/custom_nodes" and type "git clone". Once you've done that, just leave it be and do "cd../", return to the previous level of the directory and enter the startup command on the side. If you are not used to the git clone command, you can download the ComfyUI-manager zip archive and extract it locally. Then, if you need to, activate that venv again(command: source cfui/bin/activate). Run "python" and boom! You're on your way to tech glory. To see the GUI, go to If you see "Manager" and "Share" buttons, you know you've hit the jackpot.

Now, if you want to get all multilingual and fancy, support Chinese with this next step. Clone that "AIGODLIKE-ComfyUI-Translation.git" by typing "git clone". Of course you can also download the zip file. Then, manually move the whole folder into {path}/ComfyUI/custom_nodes. It's like giving your ComfyUI a language makeover.

Last but not least, get those custom check points from Civitai or Tusiart. Think of it as picking your favorite toy. In my case, I went with "Bonobo_XL". You can choose the one you like. Head to Civitai's official website, search for your dream check point, download it, and move it to {path}/ComfyUI/models/checkpoints.

咱们开始这五分钟的冒险吧。首先,我们得从 github 上获取 ComfyUI。这就像是去寻宝。输入 “git clone”。哇哦!现在我们开始上路了。如果你不习惯git clone 命令,也可以直接下载它的zip文件,然后解压缩,也会得到ComfyUI的repository。

下一站,ComfyUI 的根目录。打开终端,输入 “cd {path}/ComfyUI”。这个叫ComfyUI的文件夹就是ComfyUI的根目录。

现在好玩的部分来了 —— 配置那个虚拟环境。“python3 -m venv {你喜欢的环境名字,比如: cfui}”,然后 “source cfui/bin/activate”。听起来很科幻很复杂,但别担心。要是你以后想退出,就说 “deactivate”。很简单吧。配置虚拟环境可以使你安装的依赖只在这个虚拟环境中工作,而不会影响你整个laptop的工作环境。

该安装那些依赖项了。“pip install torch torchvision torchaudio”,然后 “pip install -r requirements.txt”。这就像是在打造一个超级强大的机器。要是你想更时髦点,那就用 “pip install --upgrade pip” 来更新一下 pip。

但是等等,还有呢!我们得添加 ComfyUI-Manager 的 git 仓库。去到 “{路径}/ComfyUI/custom_nodes”,然后输入 “git clone”。一旦你完成了这个,就放那儿别管,然后输入 “cd../”,退回上一级目录,方面输入启动命令。如果不习惯git clone命令,也可以直接下载ComfyUI-manager的zip压缩包,然后在本地解压缩。要是需要的话,再激活那个虚拟环境(命令是: source cfui/bin/activate)。运行 “python”,然后砰!你就踏上了科技荣耀之路。要看到图形界面,就去到。要是你看到了 “Manager” 和 “Share” 按钮,你就知道你成功了。

现在,要是你想变得多语言又时髦,那就用下一步来支持中文。通过输入 “git clone” 来克隆那个 “AIGODLIKE-ComfyUI-Translation.git”。当然也可以下载zip文件。然后,手动把整个文件夹移到 {path}/ComfyUI/custom_nodes。这就像是给你的ComfyUI做一个语言大改造。

最后一步,从 Civitai或者吐司AI上获取那些自定义的checkpoint。把这想象成挑选你最喜欢的玩具。就我来说,我选了 “Bonobo_XL”。你可以选你喜欢的。去到 Civitai 的官方网站,搜索你梦想中的checkpoint,下载下来,然后把它移到 {path}/ComfyUI/models/checkpoints。

Beyond Installation: First Steps in the ComfyUI Playground - 安装之后:ComfyUI游乐场初体验:

Alright, folks! You've survived the installation gauntlet, and now it's time to dive into the wacky world of ComfyUI. 

First things first, let's fire up this bad boy. Type "python" into your terminal like you're casting a spell. If your Mac starts smoking, you've done it wrong (just kidding, maybe). For you CPU lovers out there, add "--cpu" to the end. It's like telling your computer to run on hamster power - slower, but adorable.

Now, point your browser to If you see a bunch of boxes and lines, congratulations! You've officially entered the twilight zone of AI art generation. Don't panic, those Unfamiliar workflow settings are supposed to be there.

Can't read English? Click that gear icon and find "AGLTranslation-language". Pick your language. Now you can be confused in your mother tongue!

Time to make some "art"! Pick a model like "Bonobo_XL" - because nothing says "I'm a serious artist" like naming your AI after a chimp. Click "Queue Prompt" and watch as your computer has an existential crisis trying to interpret your artistic vision. Check the "Save Image" panel for results. 

When you're done playing God (or more likely, a drunk toddler with crayons), head back to the terminal. Hit Ctrl+C like you're killing a bug. Boom! ComfyUI is sleeping. Want to tuck it in properly? Type "deactivate". It's like putting your AI baby to bed. “deactivate” will stop the virtual environment (venv - cfui), so as not to waste your Mac's resources.

Need to wake the beast later? Just whisper "source cfui/bin/activate" into your terminal. It's like the "Open Sesame" of the digital age, but nerdier. Then enter the command “python”, and you can use ComfyUI again.


首先,让我们把这个小家伙点着。在你的终端里输入"python",就像你在施展魔法一样。如果你的Mac开始疯狂工作了,那你就做错了(开个玩笑,也许)。对于你们这些CPU爱好者,在后面加上"--cpu"。这就像告诉你的电脑用仓鼠发电 - 慢一点,但是超可爱。



是时候创作一些"艺术"了!选一个模型,比如"Bonobo_XL" - 因为没有什么比用黑猩猩命名你的AI更能说明"我是个严肃的艺术家"了。点击"添加提示词队列",然后看着你的电脑试图解读你的艺术视野时陷入存在主义危机。在"保存图像"面板查看结果。

当你玩够了上帝(或者更可能是,一个醉醺醺的拿着蜡笔的小屁孩),回到终端。像拍死一只虫子一样按Ctrl+C。砰!ComfyUI睡着了。想要好好地把它塞进被窝?输入"deactivate"。这就像把你的AI宝宝哄睡觉。"deactivate"会停止虚拟环境(venv – cfui), 这样不会浪费你的Mac的资源。

之后需要唤醒这头野兽?只需要在你的终端里轻声细语"source cfui/bin/activate"。这就像数字时代的"芝麻开门",只不过更宅一点。然后输入命令”python”, 就又能用ComfyUI了。


Monday, 19 August 2024

Blast Your Videos Everywhere—Find One Tool Is Free! - 超简单!白嫖视频全平台发布!


Maximize Your Reach: Post to Multiple Platforms in One Go—Even for Free! - 一键搞定全平台视频发布,有一个免费工具!

Introduction - 介绍

Managing content across multiple video platforms is a nightmare for creators. Imagine juggling different formats, video length limits, and optimal posting times—each platform demanding its own set of rules. The time and energy wasted in manually customizing and uploading videos can be overwhelming. It’s not just about the effort, but the constant risk of making mistakes—posting errors, inconsistent content, or worse, missing the best posting window. Then, there’s the headache of tracking your progress, managing feedback, and analyzing data across platforms, each with its own confusing interface. If that’s not enough, the content that goes viral on one platform might flop on another, thanks to differing algorithms and user bases. This creative and strategic tug-of-war can dilute your brand and confuse your audience. But here’s the silver lining—using the right tools can turn this chaotic mess into a streamlined process. A single tool can help you manage everything in one place, saving time, reducing errors, and ensuring that your content shines everywhere, no matter the platform.


Top Tools for Multi-Platform Posting - 多平台发布的最佳工具

Tired of juggling a dozen social media accounts? Want to go viral without breaking the bank? Of course you do! But let's be real, these 'free' tools are like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get. Some promise the moon, but deliver a tin foil hat. Others? They're so user-friendly, my grandma could schedule a tweet. The truth is, while these tools can be a lifesaver, they're often more like a helpful roommate than a magical genie. They'll only help you manage your accounts, but they won't write any viral content for you. So, while Hootsuite, Zoho Social, and Buffer might be tempting freebies, remember: there's no such thing as a truly free lunch.

厌倦了打杂的社交媒体账户发布过程?想在不花一分钱的情况下实现自动传播?当然想!但实事求是地说,这些 “免费 ”工具就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道会得到什么。有的工具好,有的九一般。有的工具确实很人性化,我的奶奶辈的人都能安排一条推特。事实上,虽然这些工具可以节省你的时间,但它们往往更像一个乐于助人的室友,而不是神奇的精灵。它们只能帮你管理账户,但不会为你撰写任何内容。因此,虽然 Hootsuite、Zoho Social 和 Buffer 可能有一些免费的功能,但请记住:天下没有真正免费的午餐。

Worth the bucks, loved by pros - 虽不免费,但评价还不错的工具

Remember when Hootsuite was the cool kid on the block, letting you manage all your social media for free? Those were the days. Now, they've joined the pay-to-play club. Meanwhile, Zoho Social is still trying to win you over with its free plan. It's like comparing a fancy sports car (Hootsuite) to a reliable family sedan (Zoho Social). Sure, the sports car might have more bells and whistles, but it also comes with a heftier price tag, at least to me. So, if you're looking for a freebie, Zoho might be your best bet. Just don't expect it to do your taxes or walk your dog. No worries, Buffer’s still free—just with a few catches.
还记得Hootsuite曾经是免费的社交媒体管理工具界的扛把子吗?那会儿真是爽歪歪!现在,它也开始收费了。反观Zoho Social,还在坚持免费的初衷。这俩工具啊,就像是一辆跑车和一辆家轿。跑车性能好,但价格贵,至少我觉得贵了点;家车实用,价格亲民。如果你想白嫖,Zoho肯定是你的首选。不过,别指望它能帮你做家务或者遛狗哦。别着急,Buffer这个工具依旧免费,虽然有一些限制。

Highlight: Buffer—The Free Powerhouse - 重点介绍:Buffer—免费的多平台神器


Buffer—the magical unicorn of the social media world! Picture this: You're sitting in your pajamas, hair a mess, crumbs on your shirt, and you've just created the next viral video sensation. But wait! How do you share this masterpiece with the world without leaving your cozy cocoon? Enter Buffer, your new best friend in the digital realm!

First things first, you'll need to create an account. Don't worry, it's not like selling your soul to the devil—just a simple email will do. Once you're in, it's time to play "Connect the Dots" with your social media accounts. Fair warning: if you can't connect, it's probably user error. (Yes, I'm looking at you, person who forgot their Instagram password for the 100th time!)

Now, for the fun part! Upload your video masterpiece and craft a caption that would make Shakespeare jealous. But here's where it gets interesting—you can customize your post for each platform. Want to sound professional on LinkedIn but like a cool cat on TikTok? It’s best to write the text for each video yourself to ensure it’s just right.

Second, connect to the video platform accounts you want to post on. If the connection fails, check if there’s an issue with your account. Third, create your post, upload the video, and edit the text. Fourth, make adjustments to each video post content to meet the specific requirements of each platform.

Finally, hit that publish button and watch your content fly across the internet like a digital carrier pigeon. In just a few moments, you'll be famous on every platform—or at least, your mom will have liked all your posts.

So, is Buffer the answer to all your social media prayers? Maybe. Is it going to make you the next internet sensation? Probably not. But hey, at least you can pretend to be a social media mogul without leaving your bed. And isn't that the dream we're all chasing?
Buffer is free, but it does come with some limitations. Please review the official documentation for details.









Conclusion - 总结

Ready to conquer the digital world without breaking a sweat (or the bank)? Multi-platform posting isn't just a fancy term—it's your ticket to social media domination! But hey, don't let anyone tell you how to play this game. Want to post cat videos on LinkedIn? Go for it! Fancy sharing your resume on TikTok? Why not! The beauty of these tools is that they let you be you, across all platforms. So go ahead, break the rules, mix it up, and most importantly, have fun! After all, if you're not enjoying the ride, what's the point of this digital rollercoaster?

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Ranking Athletes by Looks: How AI Sees Beauty in Sports - 用AI给运动员颜值排个序:体育界的美丽算法

Beauty is in the AI of the beholder. - 美丽在AI的眼中。
Introduction - 引言


In a world where athletic performance typically steals the spotlight, a new conversation emerges: what if we rank athletes by their looks? This is where AI steps in, offering a fresh, unbiased lens on beauty—a lens that might not always align with human taste. While we’re used to judging athletes by their speed or strength, AI evaluates the symmetry of a smile or the proportions of a face. But here’s the catch: AI’s version of beauty often strays far from our own. Is this a game-changer or just a curious experiment in blending technology with the age-old debate of what makes someone attractive?


How AI Measures Beauty - AI如何衡量美丽
Who knew the Olympics would turn into a beauty pageant judged by robots? Move over, human judges - AI is here to score those perfect 10s! Picture this: gymnasts nervously awaiting their scores, not from stern-faced officials, but from a beeping, booping computer. "Sorry, Svetlana, your left eyebrow was 0.03 millimeters too high during that backflip. Deduction!"

But hey, at least AI won't be swayed by bribes or national bias, right? Unless some sneaky coder programs it to favor symmetrical noses from their home country. And forget about those pesky human emotions - AI doesn't care if you're having a bad hair day or if your dog just died. It's all about the cold, hard data of beauty.

Imagine the new Olympic events: Synchronized Smizing, Extreme Cheekbone Flexing, and the 100-meter Jawline Sprint. Athletes will train for years to achieve that perfectly balanced face, only to have their dreams crushed by a pixelated frowny face on a screen. "Error 404: Beauty not found."

But let's not forget the age-old wisdom of "survival of the fittest." In this brave new world, perhaps being AI-approved beautiful is the ultimate fitness test. After all, if a robot thinks you're hot, you must be doing something right... right?

Before we know it, we'll all be lining up for AI beauty consultations. "Siri, mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" But remember, folks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - even if that beholder is made of silicon and circuits. At the end of the day, whether you're judged beautiful by a human or a machine, it's still just an opinion. Your own perception of beauty is what truly matters.

So, as we watch the Olympics evolve into a bizarre fusion of sports and silicon-approved aesthetics, let's take a moment to appreciate the absurdity of it all. Who knows? Maybe in a few years, we'll be cheering for robots competing in the "Most Human-Looking Human" category. Now that's what I call progress!








Top-Ranked Athletes by AI - AI眼中的顶级运动员

Who's the fairest of them all? In a world where AI can do everything from driving cars to composing symphonies, it was only a matter of time before it turned its analytical eye to the realm of human beauty. Imagine a beauty pageant judged not by a panel of experts but by a cold, calculating algorithm. Sounds a bit dystopian, doesn't it? Yet, here we are, on the precipice of ranking athletes based on their looks, as determined by AI.

AI has its own, unique standards of beauty, often based on complex algorithms that analyze facial symmetry, skin tone, and other features. While humans might be swayed by charisma, athleticism, or even a heartwarming backstory, AI is strictly numbers. This raises intriguing questions: What does it mean to be beautiful in an AI-generated world? And who decides what parameters AI should use to judge beauty?

Imagine the potential controversies: a star quarterback being overlooked for a less-talented player with more symmetrical features. A gymnast with a unique look being ranked lower than a more conventional beauty. The results could be both fascinating and frustrating. While it's certainly a novel approach, perhaps beauty contests should remain in the hands of humans, where subjectivity and nuance can still reign supreme. 




The Controversy - 火花

Hold onto your laurel wreaths, folks! The Olympics are getting a makeover, and it's more controversial than a figure skater's sparkly unitard. Imagine a world where Usain Bolt's sprint time gets a bonus for his dazzling smile, or where gymnasts are judged on their backflips and... backside aesthetics? Welcome to the AI Beauty Olympics, where algorithms decide if you're hot or not!

But wait, isn't this just a high-tech version of the "hot or not" game we played in middle school? Are we really going to let a bunch of ones and zeros tell us who's the fairest of them all? What's next, a gold medal for "Most Symmetrical Nostrils"?

Sure, humans have been obsessed with beauty since cavemen first drew stick figures on walls, but at least back then, beauty was in the eye of the beholder - not the binary code of the be-folder. This AI judge doesn't care if you've trained your whole life or overcome incredible odds. It's all about that golden ratio, baby!

But here's the kicker: what if AI decides that the "perfect" athlete looks nothing like any of us? Will we end up with a generation of kids trying to contort themselves into some weird, computer-generated ideal? And let's not even get started on the potential for AI bias. What if it decides that purple polka-dotted skin is the epitome of beauty?

In the end, maybe we should stick to judging athletes by their superhuman feats rather than their supermodel features. After all, isn't the real beauty of the Olympics watching humans push the limits of what's possible? Now that's something even AI can't compute!






AI vs. Human Perception - AI vs. 人类感知
When it comes to beauty, AI has its own set of rules—ones that often clash with human perception. While people might gush over an athlete’s charismatic smile or rugged charm, AI focuses on cold, hard data: facial symmetry, skin tone uniformity, and mathematical proportions. The differences between AI’s rankings and public opinion can be stark and surprising. Imagine your favorite athlete, adored for their unique quirks, being overshadowed by someone who ticks all of AI’s algorithmic boxes. We’ve seen cases where AI’s top picks leave fans scratching their heads, wondering if the machines missed the memo on what makes someone truly attractive. Is AI revealing a new standard of beauty, or is it just out of touch with the human heart?



Conclusion - 总结
Well, folks, buckle up for the AI-lympics! Soon we might see robots judging gymnasts on their backflips and... cheekbone symmetry? Talk about a digital facelift for sports! Imagine Usain Bolt getting extra points for his winning smile or swimmers competing for "Most Hydrodynamic Eyebrows." It's like we're turning the Olympics into a beauty pageant run by calculators!

But hey, let's not forget - beauty is in the eye of the beer holder, or was it beholder? Either way, if you think you're a 10, you're a 10! Who cares what some silicon-brained beauty bot thinks? Maybe AI will decide that the peak of human perfection is a potato-shaped body with mismatched eyes. Now that's a gold medal I could win!

So, as we dive headfirst into this brave new world of binary beauty, remember: whether you're judged by humans, machines, or your mom, true Olympic spirit comes from the heart. Even if that heart is now rated on a scale of 1 to 10 for percussive efficiency!


不过嘿,别忘了 - 美在酒鬼的眼中,哦不,是在旁观者的眼中!反正,如果你觉得自己是个10分,那你就是个10分!谁在乎什么硅脑美貌机器人怎么想?说不定AI会认定人类完美的巅峰是土豆形身材配上不对称的眼睛。这下我终于能拿金牌了!


Tuesday, 30 July 2024

The Impact of AI on the Olympics — AI对奥运会的影响


Bringing the Future of Sports to the Present — 将体育的未来带到现在

Introduction — 介绍
The Olympics have long been a proving ground for the pinnacle of human achievement, a Darwinian theatre where the fittest, fastest, and most skilled athletes battle it out for global glory. But what if the next evolution in athletic dominance wasn’t human? Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the world around us, and the Olympics are no exception. From officiating to training, AI is poised to fundamentally reshape the very nature of the Games, blurring the lines between human and machine and raising profound questions about the future of sport.


Current Applications of AI in the Olympics — AI在奥运会中的当前应用

AI has snuck into the Olympics like a clumsy ninja, tripping over its own algorithms but somehow still managing to revolutionize the games. In athlete training, AI acts like an overzealous coach with a clipboard, obsessively analyzing every twitch and grimace. Imagine a gymnast being told by a robotic voice, “Your left eyebrow was 0.03 millimeters too high during that backflip. Do it again!” Meanwhile, in broadcasting, AI has become the ultimate couch potato, watching every second of every event to create highlight reels that would make even the most caffeinated human editor weep with envy. Picture a commentator exclaiming, “And now, thanks to our AI overlord, we bring you the top 10 times athletes accidentally made eye contact during the javelin throw!” But it was the 2021 Tokyo Olympics where AI truly flexed its silicon muscles. Remember those eerily empty stadiums? Well, AI stepped in like a ghostly cheerleader, pumping in fake crowd noises that ranged from “mildly enthusiastic golf clap” to “horde of rabid banshees.” The real controversy, though, lies in the blurring line between human and machine. As AI seeps further into training regimens and performance analytics, we’re left wondering: are we watching the peak of human athleticism, or the triumph of binary code? Will future Olympics feature a new event called “Algorithm Dodging”? One thing’s for sure — as AI continues to infiltrate the games, we may need to change the Olympic motto from “Faster, Higher, Stronger” to “Glitchier, Quirkier, Stranger.”
人工智能悄悄潜入奥运会,就像个笨手笨脚的忍者,虽然被自己的算法绊得东倒西歪,却莫名其妙地彻底改变了赛事。在运动员训练中,人工智能俨然成了一个拿着记录板的过度热心教练,痴迷地分析着每一个抽搐和表情。想象一下,一个体操运动员被机器人声音告知:”后空翻时你的左眉毛高了0.03毫米。重来!”同时,在转播方面,人工智能化身为终极沙发土豆,目不转睛地盯着每一个项目的每一秒,剪辑出连喝高度咖啡的人类编辑都会自愧不如的精彩集锦。想象一下解说员兴奋地喊道:”感谢我们的人工智能霸主,现在为您呈现标枪比赛中运动员意外对视的十大时刻!”但在2021年东京奥运会上,人工智能才真正展示了它的硅基肌肉。还记得那些诡异空荡的看台吗?人工智能化身幽灵啦啦队,灌入假观众声音,从”高尔夫般温和的掌声”到”一群疯狂女妖的尖叫”应有尽有。然而,真正的争议在于人机之间日益模糊的界限。随着人工智能进一步渗透训练和表现分析,我们不禁要问:我们看到的是人类运动能力的巅峰,还是二进制代码的胜利?未来的奥运会会不会出现一个叫”躲避算法”的新项目?有一点是肯定的 — — 随着人工智能继续渗透奥运会,我们可能需要把奥林匹克格言从”更快、更高、更强”改成”更多故障、更加古怪、更加陌生”。

AI in Judging and Refereeing — AI在裁判和裁判中的作用
Artificial Intelligence has taken the hot seat in the Olympics’ judging panels, promising a level of impartiality that’s as rare as a unicorn in a track meet. With AI, the days of biased decisions are numbered, as the machines don’t have personal favorites or hometown heroes. They judge with a cold, calculated precision that’s both comforting and unnerving. Imagine a world where every call is spot on, every score is indisputable, and the only controversy is whether AI is too good at its job. But here’s the twist: as we cheer for AI’s fairness, we might find ourselves missing the human touch, the occasional slip that makes us feel connected to the fallibility of our fellow judges. So, is AI’s perfect score a win for the Olympics, or are we trading in the warmth of human error for a cold, unfeeling verdict?

AI in Anti-Doping Efforts — AI在反兴奋剂方面的努力
In the ever-evolving battlefield of sports integrity, AI strides in as the ultimate referee against doping. Imagine AI as a tireless detective, spotting minute drug traces with the precision of a bloodhound. For instance, during the Tokyo Olympics, AI algorithms sifted through data like Sherlock Holmes, identifying suspicious patterns in athletes’ biological passports faster than any human could. Picture an AI system that, like a strict but fair schoolteacher, detects anomalies in test results that signal potential foul play, making sure everyone stays in line. Unlike traditional methods, which are like using a magnifying glass to find a needle in a haystack, AI brings the efficiency of a vacuum cleaner, ensuring no speck goes unnoticed. With AI’s razor-sharp accuracy, the days of doping scandals might just be numbered, sparking debates about the future of fair play in sports.


Potential Future Applications of AI in the Olympics — AI在奥运会中的潜在未来应用

Welcome to the Olympics 2.0, where AI is the unsung hero and occasional mischief-maker! Imagine a world where athletes have AI personal trainers that know them better than their own mothers. These silicon coaches will craft training regimens so personalized, they’ll account for everything from your DNA to what you had for breakfast. But beware, Olympians! Your AI coach might decide that interpretive dance is the key to improving your javelin throw.

In the realm of security, AI will be the ultimate party pooper, spotting troublemakers faster than you can say “photo finish”. It’ll manage crowds with the finesse of a digital shepherd, ensuring no one gets lost in the Olympic village or accidentally wanders into the pole vault pit.

But here’s where it gets really wild: AI-driven fan engagement. Picture this: you’re watching the games from your couch, and suddenly, your TV asks if you’d like to virtually high-five your favorite athlete or join a holographic crowd cheer. It’s like being at the Olympics without the overpriced hot dogs! And for all you couch potatoes out there, AI will transform Olympics-themed video games into hyper-realistic simulations. You’ll feel the burn in your virtual muscles as you compete against AI-powered digital athletes who never get tired or need bathroom breaks.

But here’s the million-dollar question: As AI blurs the lines between human and machine in sports, will we one day see the “Cyberlympics” where enhanced humans compete against pure AI? Only time will tell if the Olympic motto will change from “Faster, Higher, Stronger” to “More Gigabytes, Please!”





Conclusion — 结论

So, there you have it. AI is not just changing the Olympics; it’s evolving them. From training regimens tailored to the nth degree to instant replay systems that can detect a gnat’s sneeze, AI is the ultimate coach, the perfect referee, and the most demanding critic. But let’s not forget, at the heart of it all, is the athlete. Even with all the AI-powered gadgets and algorithms, it’s still the human spirit that drives us to push our limits. It’s the perfect marriage of man and machine, a testament to our ability to adapt and evolve. After all, isn’t that what the Olympics have always been about? Survival of the fittest. And in this new age of AI, it seems we’re all evolving together, one byte at a time. So, next time you’re watching the Olympics, remember: those athletes aren’t just competing against each other; they’re competing against the future. And the future is looking pretty smart.