Showing posts with label 避坑. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 避坑. Show all posts

Monday, 3 February 2025

澳洲乐透领奖指南:领奖不踩雷,钱袋不缩水 - Aussie Lotto ? Financial Freedom? Understand Everything in One Article


别让大奖领到手就亏,这些细节决定你的财富命运 - Don't Let Your Jackpot Win Turn into a Loss, These Details Determine Your Wealth Destiny


1. 确认中奖与有效期

  • 核对彩票:通过官方APP(如The Lott)扫描二维码或登录账号核对号码;线下票需保存实体票。

  • 有效期:中奖后需在 12个月内 领奖(各州可能略有差异)。

2. 领奖渠道

  • 小额奖金(<$1,500澳元)

    • 线上账户自动到账(需绑定银行账号)。

    • 线下票可在授权零售商处兑换(需出示身份证明)。

  • 大奖(≥$1,500澳元)

    • 必须联系彩票中心(如NSW Lotteries)预约领奖,通过支票或电子转账方式领取奖金。奖金将在两周的确认期后发放。需本人携带:

      • 中奖彩票原件。

      • 身份证明(护照/驾照+Medicare卡)。

      • 税务文件(TFN税号,避免预扣税)。

二、线上账号购票 vs. 线下个人购票的差异

















1. 捐赠性质

  • 自愿性:澳洲彩票机构 不会强制要求捐赠,但领奖时可能收到慈善机构合作提案(如捐款给红十字会、儿童医院等)。





  • 税务影响

    • 捐赠给 注册慈善机构(DGR) 可抵税(需保留收据)。

    • 例:若中奖50M,捐赠1M给DGR机构,可减少应税收入1M(按45450,000)。

2. 拒绝捐赠的礼貌理由

  • 理由1

  • 理由2

  • 理由3


1. 领取方式

  • 一次性领取(Lump Sum)

    • 全额奖金扣除预扣税后一次性支付(假设50M,税后约26.5M,按最高税率47%计算)

  • 分期领取(若有)

    • 澳洲部分彩票允许年金支付(如分20年),但需提前确认条款。

    • 计算公式示例(假设年利率5%,分期20年):

  • 对比选择:若投资回报率 > 分期利率,一次性领取更优。


可以分期付款:如 “乐透人生(Set for Life)” 游戏,头奖为每月支付 2 万澳元,持续支付 20 年。

通常一次性支付:像周六乐透(Saturday Lotto)、周一和周三乐透(Monday & Wednesday Lotto)、澳乐透(Oz Lotto)、强力球(Powerball)等,通常情况下中奖者可选择一次性领取奖金。你可以通过资讯投资机构,并制定计划,达到类似分期付款的效果,但是税收难以避免。

2. 税务优化建议

  • 成立信托(Trust):分散收入至低税率家庭成员。

  • 资本增值策略:将奖金投入房产或股票,利用CGT折扣(持有>1年税减50%)。

  • 养老金注资:通过非优惠性供款(Non-Concessional Contributions)避税。


  1. 匿名领奖:新州、昆州允许通过信托或律师匿名领奖;维州需公开身份。

  2. 安全措施:领奖前签署保密协议,聘请安保团队防止信息泄露。

  3. 法律顾问:必须咨询税务律师和财务规划师(预计费用20,000−50,000澳元)。

通过以上规划,可实现 税后收益最大化 并规避风险。建议中奖后立即联系专业机构定制方案。

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Web Wizardry: God-Level Mods for Your DIY Site, Apps, and Games - 神级网页大师:轻松掌握Websim.ai的网页、应用和游戏修改

 Don't Mess Up Your Masterpiece - Mod like a Pro! - 别毁了你的杰作 - 像专家一样修改吧!

Now, let's dive deeper into the magical world of Ever dreamt of modding a site like a samurai of cyberspace, or crafting your own app without the hassle? Here's your ticket to being a DIY Digital Wizard.

Login into, channel your inner Picasso in the webiverse, and type in your desire: "Please mimic LINE to make a simple chat app." Within moments, you'll have your own chat app! Sure, it's more like an echo chamber where you can only see your own messages, but the interface is spot-on, almost as if LINE and websim had a digital baby.

But wait, there's more! Let's say you found a pic on Pinterest for an app and thought, "This would look cool on my site." Upload that image, and type "Please add a message list on the left side." In no time, websim will give you the revamped chat app.

Ready to unleash your masterpiece onto the world? Here’s the publishing magic:

Slide open the sidebar, select your version, click 'Post', add a title and description, and toggle it live. There’s a 'Copy' button for the direct URL, and if you goofed up, you've got a 'Delete' button. Now, you can share it with your pals or shout about it to the web-world.

Let's venture into more advanced stuff. Fancy creating your own real-time currency converter à la With websim, it’s as simple as typing it out! Publish away, and grab that link. But what if I want to embed this magical creation into other people’s sites?

Here's the wizardry:

  • Find and click on another web app.

  • Paste your converter's URL after their site address with "?plugin=@{username}/{your-app-title}".
    Poof, now you've added your own app to someone else's territory without even asking.

Craving some sound effects? Add to your app: "Add a different sound for each button," and voila, your app wakes up with every click.

Go wild, how about simulating an entire iPhone 16 OS? Type it, publish it, and watch as the virtual iPhone blooms on your screen.

Now for something completely different, let's make AI do our homework; automate PPT creation:

1. Ask websim to craft an app for auto-generating PPTs with images.

2. Provide a six-word topic and watch the outlines and slides magically appear.

As if that's not enough, give your granny some tech savviness by making an app that generates a Windows activation key every 10 seconds specifically to lull you to sleep with stories of her digital adventures.

And for the arcade enthusiasts, a virtual Tetris comes to life, within minutes, playable right from your browser.

If your inner geek is tingling with excitement, waits for you to unravel its enchanted capabilities. It's as easy as point-n-click, as fast as lightning, and as free as the wild quasars of the net. Go forth and become the DIY Digital Wizard you were always meant to be!

Sunday, 27 October 2024

ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion: The Ultimate Resource Hack - 1 Minute to Sync Models and Nodes - ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion:资源黑客终极指南 - 1分钟同步模型和节点

Stop Wasting, Start Syncing! - 停止浪费,开始同步!

Fed up with the hassle of double-dipping into model installations? Dive into our 60-second hack to sync ComfyUI with your local Stable Diffusion WebUI, sparing you the agony of redundant setups. We'll show you how to effortlessly glide through model, node, CLIP, VAE, and Lora configurations, turning your dual UI woes into a thing of the past. Plus, for path-confused AI artists, we've got the config file right here, ready for a quick tweak and roll.

Ready to unleash the power of your AI art tools without the clutter? First, hunt down that hidden gem in your ComfyUI folder—the 'extra_model_paths.yaml.example' file. Change its file name to ‘extra_model_paths.yaml’, and boom, you're in the game. Fire up your favorite text editor, or if you're feeling commando, dive into the terminal (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows). Tweaking this configuration file to harness the magic of Stable Diffusion WebUI models, nodes, CLIP, VAE, and Lora, all from the cozy confines of your ComfyUI. The specific configuration file can refer to the following example.
# Rename this to extra_model_paths.yaml and ComfyUI will load it

# config for a1111 ui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/  # 指向Stable Diffusion WebUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion模型的路径

    configs: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion配置文件的路径

    vae: models/VAE  # VAE模型路径

    loras: |

         models/Lora  # Lora模型路径

         models/LyCORIS  # LyCORIS模型路径(如果有的话)

    upscale_models: |

         models/ESRGAN  # ESRGAN模型路径

         models/RealESRGAN  # RealESRGAN模型路径

         models/SwinIR  # SwinIR模型路径

    embeddings: embeddings  # 文本嵌入路径

    hypernetworks: models/hypernetworks  # 超网络模型路径

    controlnet: models/ControlNet  # ControlNet模型路径

# config for comfyui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/ComfyUI/  # ComfyUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion  # 指向A1111安装目录下的Stable Diffusion模型

    clip: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip/  # 指向A1111的CLIP模型路径

    clip_vision: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip_vision/  # CLIP视觉模型路径

    configs: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/configs/  # Stable Diffusion的配置文件路径

    controlnet: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ControlNet/  # 指向ControlNet模型的路径

    embeddings: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/embeddings/  # 嵌入模型路径

    loras: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Lora/  # Lora模型路径

    upscale_models: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/upscale_models/  # 指向超分辨率模型路径

    vae: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/VAE/  # VAE模型路径

All paths must be absolute paths to where the actual files are located on your system. - 所有路径必须是你系统上实际文件所在的绝对路径。