Wednesday, 20 November 2024

XAI: Musk's Free AI Gem - XAI:马斯克的免费 AI 宝藏

ChatGPT Who? XAI is the New Sheriff in Town! - 未必必须ChatGPT, XAI新宠驾到

Hey there, AI enthusiasts! Have you heard about XAI? It's the new kid on the block, brought to you by none other than Elon Musk and Twitter. And guess what? It's free to use until the end of the year, with a cool $25 credit each month. Yup, you read that right, freebies galore!

Signing up is a breeze. All you need is an email. Even if you've got a Twitter account, they still want that email verification. Once you're in and verified, creating an API key is as easy as pie. Just one click and voila! But remember, save it right away because you won't be able to peek at it later.

The cool thing is, XAI plays nice with platforms that work with ChatGPT. Let's take Lobehub for a spin. First, deploy Lobehub (the link's there for you). Once it's all set up and you open it in your browser, head to settings, pick the language model, and look for Grok (not Groq, mind you). Pop in that API key you made, hit Check, and if it says Check passed, you're good to go. Close settings, choose Grok Beta in "Just chat", and start chatting away. I asked it to introduce itself and its connection to Musk and tell me some recent political events. The answers were pretty interesting.

After your chat session, jump back to the XAI page. There, on the Home page, you can see how much of your free credit you've used. It's like getting a little peek into your AI spending spree. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the XAI adventure and see what this free and powerful AI can do for you. By the way, its proxy address is:; its model name is: grok-beta.

各位 AI 爱好者们,你们知道 XAI 吗?它可是新面孔哦,是埃隆・马斯克和推特搞出来的。重点是,到年底都能免费使用,每个月还有 25 美金的额度呢。没错,就是这么多免费福利!

注册超简单,只要一个邮箱就行。就算你有推特账号,也得邮箱验证。等你注册好并验证完,创建 API 密钥简直易如反掌,点一下就搞定。不过可得记着马上保存,之后可就看不到啦。

厉害的是,XAI 和能用 ChatGPT 的平台都兼容。咱拿 Lobehub 来试试。先部署 Lobehub(有参考链接哦)。等安装好后在浏览器里打开,点设置,选语言模型,然后找到 Grok(可别弄成 Groq 啦)。把刚创建的 API 密钥输进去,点检查,要是显示检查通过,那就成啦。关掉设置,在 “Just chat” 右边选 Grok Beta,就可以开聊咯。我让它介绍下自己和马斯克的关系,再说说最近的时政大事,答案还挺有意思。

聊完后回到 XAI 页面,在主页就能看到用了多少免费额度,就像瞅瞅自己在 AI 上的 “消费” 情况。还等啥呀?赶紧开启 XAI 大冒险,看看这个免费又强大的 AI 能给咱带来啥惊喜。顺便说一下,它的代理地址是:;它的模型名字叫:grok-beta。

Friday, 8 November 2024

Free AI Art Studio at Your Fingertips: ComfyUI Desktop is Here - 白嫖党福音:ComfyUI桌面版终于来了

Create, Dream, Generate - No Strings Attached - 人人都是AI艺术家,零门槛的创作革命

Hey there, dear friends! You know what's super cool? ComfyUI has a desktop version now! Yup, you heard it right.

If you're interested, just pop in your email or use Discord to join the trial form for the ComfyUI desktop version. And guess what? It can generate pictures, videos, and audio for free! Imagine having a magical creative box that doesn't just paint - it sings and dances too! The new ComfyUI Desktop lets you generate images, videos, and even audio, all from one cozy spot. No more tab-hopping or cloud-uploading shenanigans!

The official also gave us a blog link. There are basic tutorials on how to use the ComfyUI desktop version and some of its features. And it has three main awesomenesses.

First, it's like a superpower for creating all kinds of stuff. It's not just for pictures. Oh no! It can make videos and music too. So you don't have to juggle lots of different software. It's like having a magic box that gives you everything you need to be creative.

Second, it works offline. Your data stays with you, like a little secret. No need to worry about privacy issues or sending your precious creations to the cloud. And no more waiting for things to load because of slow internet. It's fast and smooth, just like a happy little train.

Third, you can make it your own! You can use custom models and plugins like ControlNet and LoRA. It's like dressing up your ComfyUI to make it look and work just the way you want. Your creations will be as unique as you are.

So, dear friends, if you're feeling adventurous, come and give the ComfyUI desktop version a try. It's waiting for you to have some fun!

Monday, 4 November 2024

The 2925 Email Hack: Your Secret Weapon for Free AI Tools(No BS Guide) - 白嫖党的武器:2925邮箱战法 - 零氪党的AIGC天堂

Why Pay When You Can Slay? Master the 2925 Email System - 薅毛高手速成:一个邮箱能顶一个钱包

Ladies and gentlemen, tech enthusiasts, and those who love a good freebie, gather 'round! Today, I'm going to let you in on a little secret that's going to help you use free online tools. You know that sinking feeling when you hit the limit on your free account and can't get any more for the day? Well, wave goodbye to that frustration with 2925 email, the Swiss Army knife of email services.

Let's start with the basics. You've got your main email account, and you're thinking, "What's so special about that?" Ah, but with 2925 email, you're not just getting an email address; you're getting a ticket to the unlimited account express. That's right, folks, you can create sub-emails like there's no tomorrow, and when one free account taps out, you just whip out another one and keep on trucking.

Now, let's talk about AIGC, the creative powerhouse that's all the rage these days. It's the tool that lets you flex your creative muscles without breaking a sweat. But, like any good thing, it comes with a limit. Or does it? With 2925 email, you can bypass that pesky limit and keep your creative juices flowing.

Here's how you do it. First, sign up for a 2925 email account. It's as easy as pie, and all you need is a phone number. Once you're in, you can generate a plethora of sub-emails. Now, head over to AIGC, and let's get this party started. If your 2925 email is, and you're all logged in, you're ready to roll.

Navigate to the AIGC tool, click on sign in, and enter a new email address, something catchy like Hit that "Sign in with Email link" button, and then rush to your 2925 inbox to find the new email. Click the activation link, and voilà, you're in the AIGC driver's seat.

And here's the kicker, if you can add 001 to your email, you can add 002, 003, and so on. That's right, an almost infinite number of sub-emails at your disposal, all ready to sign up and use AIGC. No more hitting that "you've reached your limit" wall.

So, go ahead, be a 2925 email virtuoso, and make those free accounts work for you. It's time to say "adios" to limitations and "hola" to unlimited creativity.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion: The Ultimate Resource Hack - 1 Minute to Sync Models and Nodes - ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion:资源黑客终极指南 - 1分钟同步模型和节点

Stop Wasting, Start Syncing! - 停止浪费,开始同步!

Fed up with the hassle of double-dipping into model installations? Dive into our 60-second hack to sync ComfyUI with your local Stable Diffusion WebUI, sparing you the agony of redundant setups. We'll show you how to effortlessly glide through model, node, CLIP, VAE, and Lora configurations, turning your dual UI woes into a thing of the past. Plus, for path-confused AI artists, we've got the config file right here, ready for a quick tweak and roll.

Ready to unleash the power of your AI art tools without the clutter? First, hunt down that hidden gem in your ComfyUI folder—the 'extra_model_paths.yaml.example' file. Change its file name to ‘extra_model_paths.yaml’, and boom, you're in the game. Fire up your favorite text editor, or if you're feeling commando, dive into the terminal (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows). Tweaking this configuration file to harness the magic of Stable Diffusion WebUI models, nodes, CLIP, VAE, and Lora, all from the cozy confines of your ComfyUI. The specific configuration file can refer to the following example.
# Rename this to extra_model_paths.yaml and ComfyUI will load it

# config for a1111 ui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/  # 指向Stable Diffusion WebUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion模型的路径

    configs: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion配置文件的路径

    vae: models/VAE  # VAE模型路径

    loras: |

         models/Lora  # Lora模型路径

         models/LyCORIS  # LyCORIS模型路径(如果有的话)

    upscale_models: |

         models/ESRGAN  # ESRGAN模型路径

         models/RealESRGAN  # RealESRGAN模型路径

         models/SwinIR  # SwinIR模型路径

    embeddings: embeddings  # 文本嵌入路径

    hypernetworks: models/hypernetworks  # 超网络模型路径

    controlnet: models/ControlNet  # ControlNet模型路径

# config for comfyui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/ComfyUI/  # ComfyUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion  # 指向A1111安装目录下的Stable Diffusion模型

    clip: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip/  # 指向A1111的CLIP模型路径

    clip_vision: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip_vision/  # CLIP视觉模型路径

    configs: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/configs/  # Stable Diffusion的配置文件路径

    controlnet: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ControlNet/  # 指向ControlNet模型的路径

    embeddings: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/embeddings/  # 嵌入模型路径

    loras: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Lora/  # Lora模型路径

    upscale_models: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/upscale_models/  # 指向超分辨率模型路径

    vae: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/VAE/  # VAE模型路径

All paths must be absolute paths to where the actual files are located on your system. - 所有路径必须是你系统上实际文件所在的绝对路径。

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Level Up Your AI Art Game: A Beginner's Guide to ComfyUI Manager - ComfyUI Manager:小白也能轻松玩转AI绘画的秘密武器

Ditch the command line, embrace the visual! - 告别枯燥命令行,用可视化方式释放你的创造力

Are you dreaming of creating a one-of-a-kind AI artwork but feel overwhelmed by the hassle of installing plugins? Don’t worry—ComfyUI Manager is here to save the day! Think of it as your personal AI art assistant, taking care of all the boring stuff so you can focus on being creative.

Why do you need ComfyUI Manager?

No more download confusion: Still struggling with where to put your downloaded plugins? ComfyUI Manager organizes everything for you—hassle-free.

Say goodbye to waiting: It supports downloading multiple plugins at once, so no more tedious one-by-one downloads.

One-click updates: Plugin updates used to be a headache, but now it’s as simple as hitting a button. Stay up-to-date with ease!

How to use ComfyUI Manager:

1.Installation: Download ComfyUI Manager and place it in the ComfyUI/custom_nodes folder, then restart ComfyUI.

2.Launch: Find the Manager button in ComfyUI’s toolbar and click to open.

3.Install plugins:

Custom Nodes Manager: Install all sorts of custom nodes to expand ComfyUI’s functionality.

Model Manager: Install models and VAEs to enrich your creative toolbox.

Install via Git URL: Directly install plugins from GitHub—quick and easy.

      4. Batch install: When importing a new workflow, ComfyUI Manager automatically detects missing plugins and offers a one-click installation option.

5. One-click updates: Regularly click the “Update All” button to keep everything fresh and current.

Pro tips:

What’s a VAE? VAE stands for Variational Autoencoder, a neural network that generates new images (basically, a model for making art).

What’s a GitHub URL? GitHub is a code hosting platform where many ComfyUI plugins are stored.
By the way, if you install models or VAEs using ComfyUI Manager, you don’t need to restart ComfyUI. Just click the Refresh button in the main menu to use them.

In summary:

ComfyUI Manager is like the ultimate toolbox for your AI art journey, making everything smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you’ll find it incredibly helpful. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try now!

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

ComfyUI AnimateDiff: Magic in Motion - ComfyUI AnimateDiff安装指南:AI动画真香

Unleash your creativity or waste your time? You decide! - 释放你的创意还是浪费生命,你说了算!

Introduction - 简介

Imagine a world where your wildest dreams come to life, frame by frame. That's the magic of AnimateDiff in ComfyUI! But wait, is it really magic, or just another tech rabbit hole? Picture this: you're sipping coffee, casually typing nonsense, and boom! Your AI-generated cat is doing the Macarena. Sounds ridiculous? That's because it is! But here's the kicker – it's ridiculously awesome. AnimateDiff isn't just about making pretty moving pictures; it's about bringing the 'comfy' back to creativity. With faster render times and mind-bending possibilities, it's like having a Hollywood studio in your pajamas. So, are you ready to animate your imagination, or are you too scared of what your subconscious might cook up?

Installation - 安装

Please install it step by step as shown in the following figure.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

GPU Not Required: 2 Free Online Tools to Unleash Your Inner Artist with Flux - 没GPU也能玩转Flux!两款免费在线工具助你实现艺术梦


Video - 视频

Dream it, Flux it, for free! - 想画啥画啥,Flux帮你实现!

Introduction - 序言

Flux, a darling of the digital art world, lets creators build stunning visuals and animations, but not everyone has a high-end GPU to power it. Here’s the good news—no GPU, no problem! Many budding artists face the frustrating gap between creativity and hardware, but today I’m revealing two free online Flux tools that let you bypass that expensive GPU. These tools are like handing paintbrushes to someone without an easel—art will happen regardless! Ready to unleash your inner artist? Let’s dive in and break those GPU chains!

Tool1: huggingface flux space

No GPU? No problem! Welcome to the Hugging Face Flux space, where your artistic dreams come true faster than you can say "starving artist". Just mosey on over to and let the magic begin. Enter your prompt like you're whispering sweet nothings to your muse. Feeling adventurous? Pop open those Advanced Settings and play God with seeds, image sizes, and guidance scales. Crank up that Guidance Scale if you want your art so real it'll make Mona Lisa jealous, or dial it down for a cartoon vibe that'd make Picasso proud. Once you've tweaked to your heart's content, hit that Run button and voila! In less time than it takes to microwave a burrito, you'll have art that'll make your fridge proud. Who needs a fancy GPU when you've got the power of the cloud and a dash of imagination?

Tool2: deep dream generator

Deep Dream Generator is your ticket to AI-powered artistry, no fancy GPU required. Just hop onto their website, click "Try it without registration," and voila! You're ready to paint with pixels faster than you can say "starry night". Next, enter the prompt, select the AI model below, and click ‘Generate’ to start generating images.

So grab your digital paintbrush and dive into the world of AI art. Who knows? You might just create the next Mona Lisa... or at least a funky profile pic that'll make your friends go "Huh?"