Saturday, 4 January 2025

视频处理不用愁,FFmpeg三招就够 - Video Processing Made Easy: Three FFmpeg Tricks You Need

格式转换、合并、去水印,FFmpeg一键搞定,效率翻倍!- Convert, Merge, Remove Watermarks—FFmpeg Does It All, Boosting Your Efficiency!





FFmpeg可以在官网和Github上下载,如果你是Mac用户,并且安装了Homebrew,那就更方便了,一条命令搞定:brew install ffmpeg。安装完成后,打开终端(Windows用户需要配置环境变量),输入ffmpeg -h,就能看到各种帮助信息。






ffmpeg -i input.mp4




file 'input1.mp4'

file 'input2.mp4'

file 'input3.mp4'



ffmpeg -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy output.mp4

-c copy表示直接复制视频流和音频流,避免重新编码,速度更快。




ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf delogo=x=100:y=100:w=200:h=100 output.mp4




Title: Video Processing Made Easy: Three FFmpeg Tricks You Need

Self-media and video editing folks, do you often get frustrated with incompatible video formats, the hassle of merging videos, and the difficulty of removing watermarks? Fear not, FFmpeg is here to help, easily and swiftly solving your video processing challenges.

What is FFmpeg? Why is it Beginner-Friendly?

FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool that can handle various audio and video tasks. You might think command lines sound complicated, but they're actually very easy to use. Just like learning to use a calculator, mastering a few basic commands can solve most problems. Plus, FFmpeg is free! The joy of getting something for free, everyone who uses it knows!

Installing FFmpeg is Easier Than Drinking Water!

FFmpeg can be downloaded from the official website and Github. If you're a Mac user and have Homebrew installed, it's even more convenient, just one command: brew install ffmpeg. After installation, open your terminal (Windows users need to configure environment variables), type ffmpeg -h, and you'll see various help information. 

Three Tricks to Master FFmpeg!

For demonstration purposes, we'll name the input file input.mp4 and the output file output.mp4.

Trick 1: Format Conversion, Fast as Lightning!

Format conversion is one of the most common needs in video processing. FFmpeg's strength is that it can perform format conversion without re-encoding, which is super fast and results in almost no loss of quality!

The command is as follows:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4

That's it! One line of command converts input.mp4 to

Trick 2: Video Merging, Well Organized!

Need to merge a large number of videos? Stop dragging and dropping manually! FFmpeg can easily handle it for you! First, you need to create a text file (e.g., concat.txt) and list the video files to be merged:

file 'input1.mp4'

file 'input2.mp4'

file 'input3.mp4'


Then, use the following command:

ffmpeg -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy output.mp4

-c copy indicates directly copying the video and audio streams, avoiding re-encoding and making it faster.

Trick 3: Removing Watermarks, a Little Trick!

Removing watermarks is a technical task, and the method varies depending on the type of watermark and the video content. FFmpeg provides the delogo filter, which can simply remove some static watermarks. But for complex watermarks, it is recommended to use professional watermark removal software.

The command is as follows:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf delogo=x=100:y=100:w=200:h=100 output.mp4

Where x and y are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the watermark, and w and h are the width and height of the watermark. You need to adjust these parameters according to the actual situation.

Conclusion: FFmpeg, Easy to Use Even for Beginners!

FFmpeg is powerful, flexible, and definitely a great assistant for self-media creators and video editing enthusiasts. Stop worrying about video processing problems and try FFmpeg! You'll find that video processing can be so easy!

Monday, 30 December 2024

视频处理神器FFmpeg,超简单三招,告别模糊卡顿 - FFmpeg: Three Super Easy Tricks to Say Goodbye to Blurry Videos

自媒体、剪辑党福音!FFmpeg 超神助力,难题‘秒’解决,还不赶紧上车! - Good news for self-media and video editors! FFmpeg supercharges your work, solving problems in a flash. Jump on board!

嘿,做自媒体或是搞视频剪辑的小伙伴们,咱是不是都有过这些崩溃瞬间:辛辛苦苦压缩个视频,结果画面糊得像打了马赛克,美感全无;听到一段超赞的背景音乐,心痒痒想拿来当自己作品的 BGM 或者设成个性铃声,却死活找不到提取的门道;还有想快速截个视频片段,用软件操作一番后,得到的却是个画质惨不忍睹的 “残次品”。别愁啦,今天就给大伙介绍个超给力的神器 ——FFmpeg,保准让这些难题统统 “退下”!

FFmpeg,这个听起来就很有技术感的名字,其实比你想象的要亲民得多。它就像是一位隐身的视频专家,随时准备帮你解决那些看似复杂的问题。而且,安装FFmpeg简直不能再简单了。如果你是Mac用户,而且已经安装了Homebrew,那么只需在终端里输入一行命令,FFmpeg就能轻松成为你的囊中之物。或者Github手动安装。如果你更习惯于Windows系统,那么去FFmpeg的官方网站下载安装包,然后添加到环境变量,就能愉快地使用了。FFmpeg支持多平台,无论你是Mac、Windows还是Linux用户,都能轻松驾驭。它的帮助命令是”ffmpeg -h”。




ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -r 25 -crf 21 -c:a aac output.mp4


这里的`-c:v libx264`指定了视频编码器为H264,`-r 25`设置了帧率为25,而`-crf 21`则是设置了码率,数值越小,质量越高。`-c:a aac`则是指定音频编码为AAC。是的,所谓压缩就是重新设置音频格式,视频格式,帧率和码率。



ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -an output-v.mp4 -c:a aac -vn output-a.mp4




ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:01 -t 00:00:09 -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -c:a aac output.mp4

`-ss 00:00:01`表示从视频的第1秒开始截取,`-t 00:00:09`则是截取9秒的视频。

当你需要检查视频是否正常播放时,可以使用`ffplay output.mp4`命令,而如果你想要获取视频或音频的信息,`ffprobe output.mp4`则是你的好帮手。


Hey, friends who are engaged in self-media or video editing. Haven't we all had these frustrating moments? After painstakingly compressing a video, the picture turns out to be as blurry as a mosaic, completely ruining the beauty. When hearing a wonderful background music, we itch to use it as the BGM of our own works or set it as a personalized ringtone, but we just can't find a way to extract it. And when we want to quickly clip a video segment, after using software to operate, what we get is a "defective product" with horrible picture quality. Don't worry. Today, I'm going to introduce you to a super powerful tool - FFmpeg, which will surely make these problems disappear!

FFmpeg, a name that sounds very technical, is actually much more approachable than you think. It's like an invisible video expert, ready to help you solve those seemingly complex problems at any time. And installing FFmpeg is as simple as it gets. If you're a Mac user and have Homebrew installed, you can easily get FFmpeg by typing a command in the terminal. Or Github to install it manually. If you're more accustomed to Windows, just download the installation package from FFmpeg's official website and add it to your environment variables, and you're good to go. FFmpeg supports multiple platforms, so whether you're a Mac, Windows, or Linux user, you can easily master it. Its help command is ‘ffmpeg -h’.

Now, let's unveil the mystery of FFmpeg and see how it uses three simple commands to solve the problems of video compression, audio extraction, and video trimming.

First, let's look at the command for compressing videos. Have you ever encountered the problem of video files being too large and wanting to compress them but worrying about the loss of picture quality? This FFmpeg command can help you compress while maintaining picture quality:


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -r 25 -crf 21 -c:a aac output.mp4


Here, `-c:v libx264` specifies the video encoder as H264, `-r 25` sets the frame rate to 25, and `-crf 21` sets the bitrate, the smaller the value, the higher the quality. `-c:a aac` specifies the audio encoding as AAC. Yes, compression means resetting the audio format, video format, frame rate and bit rate.

Next, if you hear a piece of background music you like and want to extract it as a ringtone or notification sound, FFmpeg can easily help you achieve this:


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -an output-v.mp4 -c:a aac -vn output-a.mp4


Here, `-an` is used to remove the audio, and `-vn` is to remove the video, allowing you to extract only the audio file(output-a.mp4).

Finally, if you need to trim a part of a video, FFmpeg can also help you do this while avoiding the blurriness caused by re-encoding:


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:01 -t 00:00:09 -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -c:a aac output.mp4


`-ss 00:00:01` means to start trimming from the 1st second of the video, and `-t 00:00:09` is to trim a 9-second video.

When you need to check if the video plays correctly, you can use the `ffplay output.mp4` command, and if you want to get information about the video or audio, `ffprobe output.mp4` is your good helper.

FFmpeg is such a simple and easy-to-use tool that not only helps you bid farewell to blurry and choppy videos but also allows you to go further on the road of video processing. So, dear friends, don't worry about video processing problems anymore, try FFmpeg, and let it become your good partner in video editing!

Thursday, 26 December 2024

超简单!Hugging Face三大神器让创意飞起来 - Free & Fabulous: 3 Hugging Face Tools You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

探寻 Hugging Face 上那些能惊艳你、帮大忙的隐藏宝藏! - Discover the hidden treasures on Hugging Face that'll blow your mind and save your day!






Hey everyone! Today, I'm sharing three incredibly powerful and FREE AI tools that will make you shout "Awesome!" You don't need to spend a dime to experience the magic of AI. It's a true blessing for freebie lovers!

First up is our "Watermark Hero". Don't underestimate this tool; it's a hidden master. Just upload your image, gently brush over the watermark, and those annoying watermarks disappear like magic. Isn't that amazing? It's a secret weapon that's free!

Next is the "Cool Avatar Maker." Want a unique avatar? Just upload a photo, enter some "magic words" (prompts), and boom! An artistic avatar is born! Whether you want to transform into an anime god or an abstract master, it's easily achievable. The importance of clear and effective prompts can not be overstated. Making your prompts informative is key.

The last heavyweight champion is the "Emoji Animation Master." Want to bring static photos to life? Just upload a photo and an animation, and with a click of "Animate," you can generate all kinds of hilarious emojis! But a friendly reminder: this tool requires a powerful "heart" (GPU) to run, otherwise it might "go on strike." If you've seen my previous tutorials, you'll know that similar effects can be achieved in ComfyUI, although it's slower, but you don't need an extra graphics card, which is a good compromise.

These three tools are not only free and practical, but also incredibly easy to use! Even AI beginners can easily master them. Come and experience the fun of AI!

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Web Wizardry: God-Level Mods for Your DIY Site, Apps, and Games - 神级网页大师:轻松掌握Websim.ai的网页、应用和游戏修改

 Don't Mess Up Your Masterpiece - Mod like a Pro! - 别毁了你的杰作 - 像专家一样修改吧!

Now, let's dive deeper into the magical world of Ever dreamt of modding a site like a samurai of cyberspace, or crafting your own app without the hassle? Here's your ticket to being a DIY Digital Wizard.

Login into, channel your inner Picasso in the webiverse, and type in your desire: "Please mimic LINE to make a simple chat app." Within moments, you'll have your own chat app! Sure, it's more like an echo chamber where you can only see your own messages, but the interface is spot-on, almost as if LINE and websim had a digital baby.

But wait, there's more! Let's say you found a pic on Pinterest for an app and thought, "This would look cool on my site." Upload that image, and type "Please add a message list on the left side." In no time, websim will give you the revamped chat app.

Ready to unleash your masterpiece onto the world? Here’s the publishing magic:

Slide open the sidebar, select your version, click 'Post', add a title and description, and toggle it live. There’s a 'Copy' button for the direct URL, and if you goofed up, you've got a 'Delete' button. Now, you can share it with your pals or shout about it to the web-world.

Let's venture into more advanced stuff. Fancy creating your own real-time currency converter à la With websim, it’s as simple as typing it out! Publish away, and grab that link. But what if I want to embed this magical creation into other people’s sites?

Here's the wizardry:

  • Find and click on another web app.

  • Paste your converter's URL after their site address with "?plugin=@{username}/{your-app-title}".
    Poof, now you've added your own app to someone else's territory without even asking.

Craving some sound effects? Add to your app: "Add a different sound for each button," and voila, your app wakes up with every click.

Go wild, how about simulating an entire iPhone 16 OS? Type it, publish it, and watch as the virtual iPhone blooms on your screen.

Now for something completely different, let's make AI do our homework; automate PPT creation:

1. Ask websim to craft an app for auto-generating PPTs with images.

2. Provide a six-word topic and watch the outlines and slides magically appear.

As if that's not enough, give your granny some tech savviness by making an app that generates a Windows activation key every 10 seconds specifically to lull you to sleep with stories of her digital adventures.

And for the arcade enthusiasts, a virtual Tetris comes to life, within minutes, playable right from your browser.

If your inner geek is tingling with excitement, waits for you to unravel its enchanted capabilities. It's as easy as point-n-click, as fast as lightning, and as free as the wild quasars of the net. Go forth and become the DIY Digital Wizard you were always meant to be!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Don't Get Deemed Out! A Simple Guide to Australia's Age Pension Rules

Understanding the hidden rules that affect your retirement income. 

Deeming Rules: The Aussie Way to Calculate Your Pension
In Australia, the government uses 'deeming rules' to estimate your income from financial assets. This affects your pension eligibility and amount. Let's break it down!
What are Deeming Rules?
Deeming rules assume your financial assets earn a certain income, regardless of their actual performance. It's like the government is saying, "Hey, we know you've got some smart investments, but we'll just assume they're earning a certain rate."
How Do Deeming Rules Work?
  1. Eligible Assets: Bank accounts, term deposits, shares, and more.
  2. Deeming Rates: Two rates apply, depending on your asset value. As of Dec 2024:
    • Singles: 0.25% for the first $60,400, then 2.25% for the rest.
    • Couples: 0.25% for the first $100,200, then 2.25% for the rest.
  3. Deemed Income: The government calculates your deemed income based on these rates.

What's the Point?
Deeming rules affect your pension eligibility and amount. They help ensure everyone gets a fair go.
Tips and Tricks
  1. Calculate your deemed income.
  2. Check if you're eligible for a pension.
  3. Adjust your assets to optimize your pension.
  4. Consult a financial advisor if needed.

  • Actual income doesn't matter; deemed income does.
  • Some assets, like your home, are exempt.
  • Deeming rates and asset limits may change, so stay updated!

For more info, visit the Services Australia website.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Overseas Assets & Aussie Pension

Overseas assets in Aussie pension game? Unravel the mystery, don't be lame!

Diving into the world of Aussie pensions with a global twist, let's unravel the mystery of how overseas assets can sway your retirement purse. Get ready to convert those foreign properties into Aussie dollars and see how they stack up against the asset test limits that took effect on September 20, 2024.

Here's the lowdown on the asset test caps for partial pension eligibility:

Single home owners: $695,500 AUD

Single non-homeowners: $947,500 AUD

Couples (homeowners): $1,045,500 AUD

Couples (non-homeowners): $1,297,500 AUD

Let's take a fun ride through some hypotheticals with your folks, who are applying as a duo and own a home down under.

Scenario 1: Your parents own a property overseas worth 1 million RMB. Let's turn those yuan into Aussie dollars at assume exchange rate of 1 AUD = 4.65 RMB:

1,000,000 ÷ 4.65 = 215,053.76 AUD

Add to that their other assets in Australia, valued at 400,000 AUD, and we get a total asset tally of:

215,053.76 + 400,000 = 615,053.76 AUD

Comparing this to the asset test limit for a couple who own a home:

Total assets (615,053.76 AUD) < Limit for couple homeowners (1,045,500 AUD)

Conclusion: Your folks might be in the money for a slice of that pension pie. But hold your horses; we need to crunch some income test numbers and consider other factors for the final tally.

Scenario 2: Now, let's ramp it up with a 3 million RMB overseas property. Converting that to Aussie dollars:

3,000,000 ÷ 4.65 = 645,161.29 AUD

With the same 400,000 AUD in other Aussie assets, the total asset sum is:

645,161.29 + 400,000 = 1,045,161.29 AUD

Pitting this against the asset test limit:

Total assets (1,045,161.29 AUD) is a hair's breadth below the limit for couple homeowners (1,045,500 AUD)

Conclusion: Your parents might still scrape by with a sliver of pension, but it's a tightrope walk. A slight bump in other assets, and they could tip over the limit, losing their pension.

Remember, the real pension payout is a dance between income tests and other factors. For the nitty-gritty, it's best to consult Centrelink for the most accurate assessment. After all, when it comes to pensions, every little bit counts!