Thursday, 13 March 2025

澳洲CCS补贴全攻略: 悉尼家长必知的CCS攻略 - Aussie CCS: Sydney Parents' Must - know CCS Guide

托费愁煞人?莫急,此策(CCS)在手,银两稳留!Still worried about childcare fees? Don't worry, this guide will help you easily get CCS and stop paying for high fees!


1. 上myGov或Centrelink填收入、孩子岁数、幼儿园资料。

2. 扔个幼儿园注册证明上去(<10MB),写“入园确认”(Letter of enrollment + 孩子名字 + 入园日期)就行。家长发上传这个文件只是辅助,不上传也行,因为幼儿园给Centerlink发的link里都有入园确认信息。

3. 疫苗没打齐?赶紧补,不然申请卡住。




- 年入≤83,280澳元,90%费用搞定。

- 83,280到530,000澳元,补贴慢慢缩水。

- 超530,000澳元?土豪请自觉退出群聊。

- 多娃家庭有加成,收入超365,611澳元就没了。






- 催幼儿园赶紧发链接。

- 死缠Centrelink关联新园。

- 28天倒计时,眼睛别眨!


Thursday, 6 March 2025

超简单!房东专属 Wi-Fi 密码找回大法!- Forget Your Wi-Fi Password? Try This, Landlords!

房东的福音,Wi-Fi 不再难搞!- Save time, save stress—get your Wi-Fi back!

大家是不是和我朋友一样,当房东房子多了,Wi-Fi 密码就成了大难题?手动一个个试,麻烦不说,还浪费时间;把所有房子设成一样的密码,又总担心不安全;记在本子上吧,万一记错或者本子丢了,那更是抓瞎。

别愁啦!这里有超简单的房东专属 Wi-Fi 密码找回大法!有一段神奇的代码,能在你常用的那些最可能的密码里快速尝试,很快就能找到正确的那一个,完全不用自己费力去试。就像有个小帮手,替你把麻烦事都解决了。

不用再为 Wi-Fi 密码烦恼,也不用再做那些又繁琐又不靠谱的事,直接用段代码(需要代码,直接看图,拿走不送),快速又省力,还能让你省心不少,房东朋友们赶紧试试!

Are you, like my friend, facing a big headache with Wi-Fi passwords when you're a landlord with multiple properties? Trying passwords one by one manually is not only annoying but also time - consuming. Setting the same password for all houses makes you worry about security. And if you write them down in a notebook, what if you make a mistake or lose the notebook?

Don't worry! Here's an extremely simple way for landlords to retrieve Wi-Fi passwords! There's a magical piece of code that can quickly test the most likely passwords you usually use and find the correct one in no time, without you having to struggle with it yourself. It's like having a little helper taking care of the troublesome task.

No more fretting over Wi-Fi passwords or doing those cumbersome and unreliable things. Just use this method(Need code? Just look at the pic, grab it, and go. No take-backs!), which is fast, labor - saving, and gives you peace of mind. Landlords, give it a try now!