Sunday, 27 October 2024

ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion: The Ultimate Resource Hack - 1 Minute to Sync Models and Nodes - ComfyUI & Stable Diffusion:资源黑客终极指南 - 1分钟同步模型和节点

Stop Wasting, Start Syncing! - 停止浪费,开始同步!

Fed up with the hassle of double-dipping into model installations? Dive into our 60-second hack to sync ComfyUI with your local Stable Diffusion WebUI, sparing you the agony of redundant setups. We'll show you how to effortlessly glide through model, node, CLIP, VAE, and Lora configurations, turning your dual UI woes into a thing of the past. Plus, for path-confused AI artists, we've got the config file right here, ready for a quick tweak and roll.

Ready to unleash the power of your AI art tools without the clutter? First, hunt down that hidden gem in your ComfyUI folder—the 'extra_model_paths.yaml.example' file. Change its file name to ‘extra_model_paths.yaml’, and boom, you're in the game. Fire up your favorite text editor, or if you're feeling commando, dive into the terminal (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows). Tweaking this configuration file to harness the magic of Stable Diffusion WebUI models, nodes, CLIP, VAE, and Lora, all from the cozy confines of your ComfyUI. The specific configuration file can refer to the following example.
# Rename this to extra_model_paths.yaml and ComfyUI will load it

# config for a1111 ui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/  # 指向Stable Diffusion WebUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion模型的路径

    configs: models/Stable-diffusion  # Stable Diffusion配置文件的路径

    vae: models/VAE  # VAE模型路径

    loras: |

         models/Lora  # Lora模型路径

         models/LyCORIS  # LyCORIS模型路径(如果有的话)

    upscale_models: |

         models/ESRGAN  # ESRGAN模型路径

         models/RealESRGAN  # RealESRGAN模型路径

         models/SwinIR  # SwinIR模型路径

    embeddings: embeddings  # 文本嵌入路径

    hypernetworks: models/hypernetworks  # 超网络模型路径

    controlnet: models/ControlNet  # ControlNet模型路径

# config for comfyui


    base_path: /Users/your_username/ComfyUI/  # ComfyUI的安装路径

    checkpoints: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion  # 指向A1111安装目录下的Stable Diffusion模型

    clip: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip/  # 指向A1111的CLIP模型路径

    clip_vision: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/clip_vision/  # CLIP视觉模型路径

    configs: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/configs/  # Stable Diffusion的配置文件路径

    controlnet: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ControlNet/  # 指向ControlNet模型的路径

    embeddings: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/embeddings/  # 嵌入模型路径

    loras: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Lora/  # Lora模型路径

    upscale_models: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/upscale_models/  # 指向超分辨率模型路径

    vae: /Users/your_username/stable-diffusion-webui/models/VAE/  # VAE模型路径

All paths must be absolute paths to where the actual files are located on your system. - 所有路径必须是你系统上实际文件所在的绝对路径。

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Level Up Your AI Art Game: A Beginner's Guide to ComfyUI Manager - ComfyUI Manager:小白也能轻松玩转AI绘画的秘密武器

Ditch the command line, embrace the visual! - 告别枯燥命令行,用可视化方式释放你的创造力

Are you dreaming of creating a one-of-a-kind AI artwork but feel overwhelmed by the hassle of installing plugins? Don’t worry—ComfyUI Manager is here to save the day! Think of it as your personal AI art assistant, taking care of all the boring stuff so you can focus on being creative.

Why do you need ComfyUI Manager?

No more download confusion: Still struggling with where to put your downloaded plugins? ComfyUI Manager organizes everything for you—hassle-free.

Say goodbye to waiting: It supports downloading multiple plugins at once, so no more tedious one-by-one downloads.

One-click updates: Plugin updates used to be a headache, but now it’s as simple as hitting a button. Stay up-to-date with ease!

How to use ComfyUI Manager:

1.Installation: Download ComfyUI Manager and place it in the ComfyUI/custom_nodes folder, then restart ComfyUI.

2.Launch: Find the Manager button in ComfyUI’s toolbar and click to open.

3.Install plugins:

Custom Nodes Manager: Install all sorts of custom nodes to expand ComfyUI’s functionality.

Model Manager: Install models and VAEs to enrich your creative toolbox.

Install via Git URL: Directly install plugins from GitHub—quick and easy.

      4. Batch install: When importing a new workflow, ComfyUI Manager automatically detects missing plugins and offers a one-click installation option.

5. One-click updates: Regularly click the “Update All” button to keep everything fresh and current.

Pro tips:

What’s a VAE? VAE stands for Variational Autoencoder, a neural network that generates new images (basically, a model for making art).

What’s a GitHub URL? GitHub is a code hosting platform where many ComfyUI plugins are stored.
By the way, if you install models or VAEs using ComfyUI Manager, you don’t need to restart ComfyUI. Just click the Refresh button in the main menu to use them.

In summary:

ComfyUI Manager is like the ultimate toolbox for your AI art journey, making everything smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you’ll find it incredibly helpful. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try now!

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

ComfyUI AnimateDiff: Magic in Motion - ComfyUI AnimateDiff安装指南:AI动画真香

Unleash your creativity or waste your time? You decide! - 释放你的创意还是浪费生命,你说了算!

Introduction - 简介

Imagine a world where your wildest dreams come to life, frame by frame. That's the magic of AnimateDiff in ComfyUI! But wait, is it really magic, or just another tech rabbit hole? Picture this: you're sipping coffee, casually typing nonsense, and boom! Your AI-generated cat is doing the Macarena. Sounds ridiculous? That's because it is! But here's the kicker – it's ridiculously awesome. AnimateDiff isn't just about making pretty moving pictures; it's about bringing the 'comfy' back to creativity. With faster render times and mind-bending possibilities, it's like having a Hollywood studio in your pajamas. So, are you ready to animate your imagination, or are you too scared of what your subconscious might cook up?

Installation - 安装

Please install it step by step as shown in the following figure.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

GPU Not Required: 2 Free Online Tools to Unleash Your Inner Artist with Flux - 没GPU也能玩转Flux!两款免费在线工具助你实现艺术梦


Video - 视频

Dream it, Flux it, for free! - 想画啥画啥,Flux帮你实现!

Introduction - 序言

Flux, a darling of the digital art world, lets creators build stunning visuals and animations, but not everyone has a high-end GPU to power it. Here’s the good news—no GPU, no problem! Many budding artists face the frustrating gap between creativity and hardware, but today I’m revealing two free online Flux tools that let you bypass that expensive GPU. These tools are like handing paintbrushes to someone without an easel—art will happen regardless! Ready to unleash your inner artist? Let’s dive in and break those GPU chains!

Tool1: huggingface flux space

No GPU? No problem! Welcome to the Hugging Face Flux space, where your artistic dreams come true faster than you can say "starving artist". Just mosey on over to and let the magic begin. Enter your prompt like you're whispering sweet nothings to your muse. Feeling adventurous? Pop open those Advanced Settings and play God with seeds, image sizes, and guidance scales. Crank up that Guidance Scale if you want your art so real it'll make Mona Lisa jealous, or dial it down for a cartoon vibe that'd make Picasso proud. Once you've tweaked to your heart's content, hit that Run button and voila! In less time than it takes to microwave a burrito, you'll have art that'll make your fridge proud. Who needs a fancy GPU when you've got the power of the cloud and a dash of imagination?

Tool2: deep dream generator

Deep Dream Generator is your ticket to AI-powered artistry, no fancy GPU required. Just hop onto their website, click "Try it without registration," and voila! You're ready to paint with pixels faster than you can say "starry night". Next, enter the prompt, select the AI model below, and click ‘Generate’ to start generating images.

So grab your digital paintbrush and dive into the world of AI art. Who knows? You might just create the next Mona Lisa... or at least a funky profile pic that'll make your friends go "Huh?"

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Cloud GPU for ComfyUI: No More Tears Over Weak Local Hardware! - 云端GPU玩转ComfyUI:告别本地弱鸡显卡的眼泪!

From Potato to Powerhouse: Your ComfyUI Dreams, Now Served in the Cloud! - 从土豆变超算:你的ComfyUI梦想,云端助力实现!

The ComfyUI Conundrum: No GPU in local - ComfyUI 的难题:本地没有 GPU

Ah, the classic tale of David and Goliath, but in this case, David's slingshot is a potato masquerading as a GPU. Picture this: you're all set to create the next Mona Lisa of AI art, but your laptop's idea of heavy lifting is opening two Chrome tabs. You've got dreams of crafting masterpieces with ComfyUI's high-end models, maybe even some "creative" pieces that would make your grandma blush. But alas, your GPU-less reality hits harder than a rendered error message. Fear not, fellow potato-PC warriors! The cloud GPU cavalry is here to save the day. Who needs a beefy local setup when you can borrow muscles from the internet? It's like having a gym membership for your computer, minus the awkward locker room encounters.

Cloud GPU Solution #1: BizyAir - 云端解方1: BizyAir

Don't have GUP locally? Perfect! Let me introduce you to BizyAir, the fairy godmother of weak hardware. Just follow the yellow brick road (aka GitHub instructions) to install this magical plugin. Don't panic when it asks for an API key for the first time implementation – check Github instructions, step by step, this API key is easy to get! Once installed, restart ComfyUI faster than you can say "abracadabra," and voila! You're now the proud owner of cloud-powered nodes. It's like having a bodybuilder GPU living in your potato PC. There's more! BizyAir comes with a Flux node and workflow – it's like finding an extra fry at the bottom of your takeout bag. So, ready to turn your local ComfyUI into a cloud-surfing superhero? Let's ride this pixel wave!

Cloud GPU Solution #2: ComfyUI-Cloud - 云端解方2: ComfyUI-Cloud

ComfyUI-Cloud Cloud arithmetic is another solution! Imagine this: you, chilling with your favorite cup of cocoa, while ComfyUI effortlessly conjures your artistic dreams in the cloud. No more wrestling with hardware limitations, just pure creative bliss.

Intrigued? Setting up ComfyUI-Cloud is easier than teaching a parrot to say "banana." Just head over to their GitHub page, scroll down (don't worry, it's not that deep!), and find the installation instructions. See? Cloud power for your ComfyUI, made easy-peasy!

Thursday, 26 September 2024

ComfyUI Wizardry: Efficient Workflow & ControlNet Mastery in 5 Minutes! - ComfyUI魔法:5分钟掌握高效工作流和ControlNet!

Unleash AI artistry with less fuss, more pizzazz! - 解放AI艺术,少折腾多惊艳!

Video tutorial - 视频教程

Master Efficient workflow in a Snap - 秒会高效工作流


Efficient node github or Install it by using ComfyUI Manager

ControlNet workflow - ControlNet工作流

ControlNet is a powerful tool that enhances the capabilities of diffusion models like Stable Diffusion in ComfyUI. It allows you to guide the image generation process by providing extra information, such as edges, depth maps, human poses, and more. This additional conditioning enables you to steer the generated imagery more precisely according to both textual and visual inputs.

ControlNet works by introducing a clone of the model's encoding layers for training, using "zero convolutions." These specially designed convolutional layers start with zero weights and carefully integrate the new spatial conditions without disrupting the model's original proficiency.

ComfyUI ControlNet Example

ControlNet Auxiliary



Thursday, 19 September 2024

No GPU? No Problem! Flux AI Image Magic on Your Potato PC - 无需GPU! 普通电脑也能玩转Flux AI绘画



Turn your toaster into a
Leonardo machine! - 让你的破烂电脑秒变达芬奇工作室!

Video tutorial-视频

Introduction: The AI Art Revolution - 引言:AI艺术革命来袭

Hold onto your keyboards, folks! The AI art revolution is here, and it's not just for the tech elite anymore. Enter Flux, the new kid on the block that's got everyone talking. With a whopping 12 billion parameters, this open-source powerhouse is giving Midjourney a run for its money. But here's the kicker: you don't need a supercomputer to join the party. We're about to show you how to turn your trusty old PC into a digital Leonardo using ComfyUI and Flux. It's like teaching your grandma to breakdance - unexpected, slightly absurd, but absolutely amazing when it works! So, buckle up as we dive into the world where potato PCs create masterpieces, and maybe, just maybe, we'll spark a debate about whether AI can truly replace human creativity. Spoiler alert: it can't, but it sure makes for a fun ride!

Conducting a Foundational Installation of Flux According to ComfyUI Example - 根据ComfyUI例子做flux基础安装

Hey there, fellow potato-PC warriors! No worries, let’s dive into how to install Flux on your modest machine and make it work its magic, even if you’re rolling with integrated graphics like me.

Step one is to follow the example from ComfyUI, because let’s be real—copying the pros is how we all start! Head to ComfyUI’s GitHub page, find the “ComfyUI Examples” section, and scroll a bit until you spot “Flux.” Once you click on it, you’ll see a detailed guide that walks you through the installation process. The first thing to grab is a file called “Clip.” Now, Clip has a few versions, but unless you’re secretly hiding a 32GB beast of a GPU in your PC, you’ll want to go with the lighter option(The t5xxl_fp16.safetensors is for users with more than 32GB of VRAM.). For us, potato-PC gang members, that’s the t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors file. There’s also clip_l.safetensors, which you’ll definitely need. Just click the link, and it’ll whisk you away to Hugging Face for the download. After that, drop the files into the right folder: ComfyUI/models/clip. Boom, Clip is done!

Next up is VAE. It sounds fancy, but it’s really just another file to download. Grab ae.safetensors from the provided official link, and toss it into the ComfyUI/models/vae folder. Simple, right?

Now, onto the Flux models. Here’s the fun part: if you have a shiny GPU, you can use the Dev version. But for us, who are not so blessed in the graphics department, Schnell is the way to go. Download the Schnell model and toss it into ComfyUI/models/unet. Easy peasy!

Finally, it’s time to run ComfyUI. If you’ve got a good GPU (lucky you), the command is simple: python But for the rest of us, who have to rely on our CPUs, you’ll need to run: python --cpu. This tells ComfyUI, “Yep, I know I don’t have a GPU, just go ahead with the CPU, thanks.” Load up the UI, import the example workflow from the Flux page, and off you go. For us CPU gang, just make sure to update the “clip_name1” to “t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors” in the DualCLIPLoader, then hit “Queue Prompt.” And voilà, your CPU will chug along, eventually spitting out some art—or, let’s be real, probably crash because, well, no GPU. But don’t worry, the adventure isn’t over! There’s always the Checkpoint model that ComfyUI kindly wraps up for us potato-PC folks. You’re back in the game!

Utilizing Checkpoints Officially Provided by ComfyUI - 使用ComfyUI官方提供的checkpoints

Now, let’s talk about using the checkpoints that ComfyUI kindly provides for us. If you head back to the ComfyUI Flux example page and search for “FP8 Checkpoint,” you’ll find two options. The first is “Flux Dev,” and the second is “Flux Schnell.” It’s kind of like choosing between fast and faster, but there’s a catch—if you’re working without a GPU, you’ll want to be smart about which one you pick.

Here’s how it goes: if you want to use the “Flux Dev” checkpoint, go ahead and download the corresponding workflow image. If you’re more of a “Schnell” person (aka a fellow potato-PC user), download that one instead. Once you’ve made your choice, follow the provided link to download the checkpoint, and then drop it into ComfyUI/models/checkpoints. Easy peasy!

Now comes the fun part—actually running ComfyUI. For those of us without a fancy GPU, the command to start is python --cpu. This tells ComfyUI, “Hey, we’re doing this with just the CPU, so go easy on us!” After you launch ComfyUI, drag the workflow image into the interface and use the default settings. Just make sure you’re using the right checkpoint for your workflow (either Dev or Schnell), and hit that Queue Prompt button.

Now, here’s the only real difference between the two checkpoints: speed. “Flux Schnell” runs faster but might not give you the highest-quality images. “Flux Dev,” on the other hand, takes its sweet time but delivers more polished results. In my case, using “Schnell” took around 6 minutes to generate an image, while “Dev” clocked in at about 25 minutes. So, if you’re the patient type and want top-tier results, go with “Dev.” If you’re more about speed and just want to see something cool happen, “Schnell” is your friend.

Who Needs a Fancy GPU Anyway? - 谁说没有GPU就不能玩AI?

Who needs a sleek, shiny GPU when you've got Flux AI and ComfyUI on your side? Your old potato PC might not be the fastest, but it's got heart. So, chuck that fancy GPU(It is better to have.) envy and dive into the world of AI art. With Flux, your imagination is the limit, not your hardware. Get comfy, get creative, and let's make some magic happen!